(Delhites' National Initiative in Palliative Care)
(Regd No. S-67554/2009 under Societies Registration Act of 1860)

Attention: If You got about 3 hours spare time on any Saturday, Sunday or closed holidays, please convey it thru SMS/or call to 9891008356 or 9868726697 Together we shall be able to visit any ailing patient near your locality.


-Glimpses of Our Outreach

Palliative Care Clinic

DNipCare Blogs


What We can do?

While we are hale and hearty,
Let us Empathize,
Spare some time and resources,
for ailing patients and,
Spread the message of,
Palliative Care !!!,

Useful Links


At a Glance

The mission under DNipCare aims at development of sustainable costeffective system of Palliative Care with active community participation for patients suffering from long term, bed-ridden, incurable, life limiting diseases including Cancer.


Our strategy is to:

Encourage local people to address the social needs of patients and their families in their own areas,

Train the community volunteers to offer emotional support,

Facilitate the development of locally sustainable home care programs, and

To establish a network of committed volunteers, nurses and doctors with expertise in palliative care to support such initiatives.

With the active support of our esteemed volunteers and well wishers, presently we are able to provide even monthly food ration support to the identified poorest of the poor patients in addition to the psycho-social and medical home care.

Rehabilitation of the patients and their hapless families, wherever required, sensitization of the masses through locally available socio-cultural organizations, educational institutions on the efficacy of Palliative Care are our main planks.

Our Banking

Contributions/Donations can be made by way of Cheque/Demand Draft/Net Banking in favour of


or Deposited into Savings Bank Account No.11050100186834
(IFSC Code: FDRL0001105) Federal Bank, M-17,Connaught Circus, New Delhi- 110001.

or Scanning QR Code. View QR Code

Donations to DNipCare are exempted
under S-80 (G) of Income Tax Act.

(All income & expenditure viewable at "Accounts & Finance" above)